10 Popular and Scary Teen Trends:
When it comes to pushing
boundaries, teens are the masters. It's as if anything that their parents wouldn't
want them to do is automatically 20 times more attractive. With that said,
it'll never cease to amaze me the crazy things that teens do because, well,
everyone else is doing it.
We've laughed about some of the
latest teen trends like milking, owling, and batting. Unfortunately, not all trends have funny potential,
and as a parent, it's important to know what kinds of things your kid (or their
friends) could be doing. thestir.cafemom.com
1. Planking
Planking has been around
for a while now and, for the most part, is harmless. It's when kids try to do
it in between two unstable objects or in dangerous areas (hello train track
plank to the left) that it gets scary.
Back in May a
20-year-old fell to his death planking off of a balcony in
2. Vodka
It's as gruesome as it sounds. Because it gets the
consumer "drunk really fast," kids literally pour vodka straight from
the bottle into their eyeball. My
eyes burn just thinking about it.
3. I-Dosing
Teens around the country
are getting high on the Internet, literally, with MP3s that induce
a state of ecstasy. I know, I couldn't believe it at first either -- but
allegedly there are online dealers who can hook teens up with digital drugs
that get you high through your headphones.
Reportedly, the tracks
bring about the same effects of opium, cocaine, and marijuana.
4. The
Choking Game
According to ABC, 6
percent of adolescents have played the choking game at least once. In the game, a person is
essentially gagged until they pass out with a belt, rope, or towel. Then
when the oxygen and blood come back to the brain, there's this euphoric high.
Brain trauma, brain
damage, and seizures are results of this game. Sounds REALLY fun.
5. Bath
The street name for
powdery stimulants, bath salts are sold over the counter and can make you race just like cocaine
or amphetamines.
6. Snapchat
An app that makes it
easy to send photos to friends, that sounds cool, right? The issue: Snapchat
photos disappear seconds after they are opened forever, which makes it a common
way to send risque photos, especially for teens.
It's pretty much what it
sounds like -- teens are putting salt on their bare skin, then placing ice
cubes onto it. The reaction? Potentially horrific third-degree burns that, in
the past, have landed teens in the hospital.
8. The Cinnamon Challenge
Teens attempt to eat one
tablespoon of cinnamon without consuming any water in under one minute. The
issue? It can put lives in danger. Kids have been landing in the hospital
after attempting the stunt.
9. Car Surfing
One teen drives the car,
another climbs on top and tries to keep their balance while the
car is in motion. The fact that this is a "thing" breaks my heart.
10. Smoking Smarties
No, teens aren't
actually lighting up using the tart, chalky candy. Instead, they're crushing it into a fine powder, drawing it into their mouths,
and blowing it out in a cloud of dust, which they inhale. They also snort it.
The coughing that
results from this is dangerous, yes, but the scarier thing is that this kind of
behavior sets up kids and teens for a possible next step: real drugs.
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